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Build Muscle and sculpt your body!
20,000 Squats or 20,000 Sit-Ups in 30 Minutes!

Who can benefit from EMShape?
Anyone can benefit from our EM Shape.
From a sedentary lifestyle to an athlete,
EM Shape can help!
What is the treatment time?
30 minute treatment per area with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled
2-3 days apart.
What are the targeted areas?
What areas do you target?
What are the targeted areas?
The EM Shape targets areas such as
abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs.
What is the treatment like?
The EM Shape feels like a pain-free intensive workout. You can lay down and relax during the treatment!
Is there any downtime?
Is there any recovery time?
Is there any downtime?
No, the EM Shape is non-invasive, non-surgical and requires no recovery time!
Is it difficult to get an appointment?
No, head to our office and you can easily get this done during your lunch break!
When can I start seeing results?
You begin to feel tangible results right after treatment. Positive results are typically reported 2-4 weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatment.
Available at: Temecula, Poway, La Mesa
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